Accelerating Business
Helping Transform New Mexico’s Economy
The New Mexico International Business Accelerator is a non-profit funded by the state of New Mexico to help New Mexico businesses conduct international trade. We can help businesses through the entire process, from exploring foreign markets for their products/services to connecting with foreign buyers or suppliers to understanding any related laws in the foreign market, to ensure the client’s goods or services get to their supplier or customer across the border. We also serve as the state’s expert on international trade and the border with Mexico. We provide elected officials and policy makers across the state with information related to international trade and border issues.
Introduce Your Product
Into the Global market
The International Business Accelerator is a one-stop shop of resources for New Mexican businesses and individuals wishing to introduce their product or service into the global market.
The IBA offers educational programs on how to export/import, an online resource guide of international trade materials, and an electronic database of international trade leads/joint venture opportunities. The IBA also leads outgoing and reverse trade missions of foreign buyers and sellers for the benefit of New Mexican companies. IBA’s team of trade experts offers one-on-one counseling for businesses seeking assistance in meeting their international trade objectives

1300 Country Club Rd., Suite A
Santa Teresa, NM 88008
Phone: (575) 589-2200
Fax: (575) 589-5212